Close to Home – Melody Ranch series

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February 20, 2020  Because I have a legitimate artistic license from a accredited institution (and 42 years of experience) I can alter, embellish, minimalize and exaggerate any image that I decide to paint.  I was recently going through scads of reference photos (okay, scores. Well, okay I have 13,689 photos on my computer) and realize that so many are from my walks with my dogs and husband around our neighborhood – Melody Ranch. Luckily I have morning walk duty as there is usually something worth recording, and he has night dog walk duty.  Nevertheless, all day long something catches my eye.  And now neighbors are sending me their snapshots too.  My new obsession is to create a series of paintings inspired by my immediate surroundings.  Here are a few photos, and also a few paintings in the past that could qualify for inclusion. You will have to keep tabs on my website, Facebook, Instagram and sign up for my newsletter to circle back periodically and check my progress.






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